Building Type: Building Renovation
Project Number: 30-1682
Custom Features:
See the transformation of this aging pole barn as our expert repair and renovations crews work their magic! In this video, we showcase the before and after shots, highlighting the difference that new steel siding, upgraded trims, and a freshly installed walk door can make.
Our experts have the experience, materials, and knowledge necessary to repair your facility, enhance its visual appeal, extend its useful life or reconfigure it for a new purpose. And best of all, it doesn’t matter who built the original building.
Whether you are wondering how to start or how to finish your project, this is the place to find answers, guidebooks, financing offers, floor plan kits, videos, news, and expert advice on post frame construction.
Your post-frame construction project is complete. The 80' x 120' farm shop is the perfect building...
Routine maintenance is a crucial part of extending any product’s useful life. We change the oil in...
It's official – winter is coming! Long gone are the summer nights spent underneath the pole barn...